I've always wondered what people found fascinating in my music. Whether that was the style or the experimentation with sound and different genres I used to do. It has been one hell of journey through the last 8 years and I plan to make much more music in the future. To bring ideas to life, worlds, characters, my emotions and state of mind especially through my music. Music was always something personal to me. It began as a way of coping with depression and social exclusion. I was alone, I had no friends back in 2008. All I had was my mind and my music, so I began composing. Which is partly the reason why I mostly compose when under a certain situation, whether traumatic or depressing or even happy sometimes. A lot of my music is melancholic for that reason.
So with that I would like to ask what is it that made you click that Watch button on my Profile? Which track really peaked your interest. Considering I've released quite a few tracks since the last time I asked this question I believe peoples views on me, my music has changed, and so has my style and approach in a way. I am always interested in what people think, or imagine when listening to my tracks. That's one of the most fascinating things to read for me, what you felt, what you imagined when you sat through a piece.
Ah yes that one. One of my longest and more epic compositions to date. Was very fun to work on and I've since improved since that one but it still has a few nice moments.